Breaking Away

Many of you who have a license should know what breaking away means, but in case you don’t, or if you don’t have one yet because you’re lazy like me or can’t pass the test, it means to get further ahead of the person behind you.

In Mario Kart, you think breaking away is good and all, but in 8 its the complete opposite. Due to how the items system in the game works, the further ahead you get, the more powerful items the people behind get, to the point of being able to get stars in second place. The chances of someone getting a blue shell, the meme I’m sure you all know about, increases.

Front running is normal, and its common to hop online and find someone whos just so good they front run the entire race. However, that comes with a risk. 9 times out of 10, their second or third race in they will be beaten, and that I can personally confirm myself. After so many times of winning, the game just goes after you, and it isn’t actually proven yet if this is an intentional design choice or if it is just pure luck that it plays out like that.

Breaking away, or even front running isn’t bad by no means, but it comes with risks in Mario Kart, much like real life. Though lets be honest, its a tad less harsh in the real world than it is in game!😂

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