What I’m Curious About

A thing I’ve always been interested in is how consoles work. I love learning about technology and how it works, and I love gaming, so it was a double win scenario. Consoles are interesting pieces of technology and they work in unique ways, from the old Nintendo to our modern Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo Switch. They all use rom based discs or cartridges. Carts and discs contain ROM (read only memory) files that the system can read and interpret. Old Nintendo games are very small, ranging in the KB (kilobyte) sizes. The original Super Mario is only 8kb, and if you don’t know how small that is, here’s an example. When you take a screenshot on your phone, it generally takes up 32-80kb, that’s nearly 5-8 times the size of a FULL game. Games nowadays can typically range from 6-500gb (gigabytes). On GB is 1000MB (megabytes) and 1MB is 1000kb. That’s ridiculous how far we’ve come!

11 thoughts on “What I’m Curious About

  1. I’ve wondered that too, and about technology in general because its crazy to think that this is our future, a bunch of machinery controlling certain things we do.

    1. Yes indeed! It is very much complicated and this is our future, where everything could possibly become automated.

  2. Wow! I’ve always liked playing video games, but I didn’t know they were this complicated! Thanks for sharing!

    1. You’re welcome, it is a very complicated process in developing a game, and the further we go, the more complicated it becomes!

  3. Hey Chris,

    This post is very informative! I think the screenshot example is a great idea of comparing it with the game overall. Additionally, what is your favorite game to play whenever you’re free?

    You should check out my blog and comment sometimes! Thank you!


  4. Yeah, technology is a really confusing thing if you really think hard about it. Thankfully we have great computer science teachers to help teach us about it.

  5. Our technology has come so far and it’s insane! Before a small group of people could program a game in a short amount of time, but now it takes hundreds of people to program and design a game that can take years to create. Would you ever think about going into game or console design in your future?


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